Dear North Franklin School District Parents/Guardians:


This morning district officials learned that an employee in one school building and two siblings in another school building tested positive for COVID-19. After working with Benton Franklin County Health District officials and conducting a thorough investigation into the situation including contact tracing, we have notified any staff and students that could have had a possible close contact. We have taken additional precautions with these staff and students to eliminate the risk of exposure to students or staff. In addition to contact tracing and communication, we are utilizing this extra inservice day without students to thoroughly sanitize our facilities. The purpose of this letter is to notify you of the situation and to remind everyone of prevention measures. The symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, headache, body aches, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Some people have no symptoms at all, or the symptoms are so mild that they are not noticed. Some experience serious illness. If symptoms develop, the average time after exposure is about 5 days, but symptoms can appear anywhere between 2 and 14 days after exposure (the incubation period). If your child develops any of the symptoms above, please contact your health care provider and request the child be tested for COVID-19. Your child could still experience symptoms during the 14-day incubation period.


As we move more and more indoors due to the cold weather, we increase the level of risk for transmission. This is a timely reminder to keep a physical distance of at least 6 feet, wear masks in public, and sanitize and wash hands frequently (adults and children). How can you help keep our students attending in-person instruction in their school buildings? Everyone has a role and should take these steps to protect the people you care about:
- Stay close to home.
- Wear a mask when you leave home.
- Limit your interactions to a small circle of friends and family.
- Keep gatherings small, and outside if possible where fresh air circulates.
- Stay 6 feet apart from others. Wear a mask when you cannot maintain 6 feet of space.
- Get tested for COVID-19 if you are experiencing symptoms.
- Wash your hands, cover your cough, and keep up your best hygiene and sanitation.


If you or your student have been exposed to a confirmed positive case while at school or in a school activity, you will be notified. It is important to note that we are required to follow privacy laws that will not allow us to disclose names of infected students or staff unless there is a medical reason for sharing that information. 


If you have any further questions, please contact your child’s school or the district office at 509-234-2021. Stay safe!